Heute, am 8. März, ist der Internationale Frauentag, ein Tag, an dem wir die Frauen, die Weiblichkeit und ihren Kampf um Gleichberechtigung auf der ganzen Welt feiern. Es hat Frauen gegeben, deren Talent und Tatkraft nicht zum Schweigen gebracht werden konnten, und heute feiern wir das großartige Beispiel, das sie uns hinterlassen.

Marie Curie (1866 – 1934)

An exceptional scientist in a world dominated by men. She won two Nobel Prizes, one in physics and one in chemistry, and was the first female professor at the University of Paris. Her contribution to science is immeasurable, although she is best known for the discovery of radioactivity.

Catherine II of Russia ‘The Great’ (1729 – 1796)

The empress succeeded in revitalising the country, expanded its borders, promoted the education of the citizenry and turned it into a European power. Her reign began after her husband’s assassination, and she became the empress with the longest reign in Russia.

Marianne Mozart (1751 – 1829)

Mozart had a sister who accompanied him at the piano during his childhood and adolescence and was even considered a better pianist than he was. But, as it happened at the time, from the age of 18 she was forced to leave public life and devote herself to her duty as a woman: her family. Her musical compositions, praised by her brother in his letters, were lost. Or perhaps some of Mozart’s works are attributed to the wrong brother.

Pharaoh-Queen Hatshepsut (1508 – 1458 BC)

So uncomfortable was it for the Egyptians to have a woman as pharaoh that, after her death, attempts were made to erase traces of her memory and her name was removed from the King List. It was not until the 19th century that her name and achievements were recovered from oblivion.

Amelia Earhart (1897 – 1937?)

The first female pilot to fly solo across the Atlantic. She fought for women’s rights and, thanks to her aviation records, finally achieved the respect she deserved from her peers. She disappeared trying to circumnavigate the earth, which has turned her life into a legend and an example of achievement.