1. Tenis shoes

Tenis shoes
Garajonay National Park is a must-see for everyone. Take these always in your backpack, even if your intention is just going to the beach.

2. Denim jacket

Denim jacket
It is back, but also it is handy for evening terrace dinners or daytime tours inside the forests.

3. Sunglasses

sunglasses - Gafas de sol
Find yourself a good pair with dark lenses for the shiny tropical sun. Absolutely necessary for driving and great selfies!

4. Two swimsuits

You will want to get out of that wet buttom before getting into your clothes. / Evitas así tener que llevar el bikini mojado debajo de la ropa.
You will want to get out of that wet buttom before getting into your clothes.

5. All-terrain flip-flops

Not every cove is sandy, these will become your best friends. / No todas las playas son de arena, estas amigas serán tu mejor aliada.
Not every cove is sandy and smooth, these will become your best friends.

6. Multi-purpose scarf

Scarves / pañuelos
Blanket, beach wrap, emergency towel, scarf… Chose wisely it’s size and fabric so that it functions in every possible way.

6. Aluminum water refillable bottle

botella aluminio
Fill it up with tap water. It’s environment friendly and it lasts fresh longer than inside PET bottles.