The year 2018 was a period of exciting change that has renewed and revalidated our commitment to quality service and the environment.

Since our origins in the 70’s we have managed to become a reference throughout the island and, all without losing the cornerstone of our success, family management. And so we wish to continue as we approach a significant Anniversary, 50 years since Doña Maruca Gámez decided to start this great adventure from a small, Gomeran craft shop.

We are also fortunate to be part of the Board of Directors of Ashotel with the presidency of the Delegation of La Gomera. In this way we can communicate in the public sphere with more clarity, that which characterizes La Gomera and its accommodation-sector: Tourism that is above all rural, literally and figuratively at the foot of virgin nature, and with a National Park that means everything to this island and its people.

The real revolution of the year has been the strength with which all our team has embraced the philosophy of sustainability and conscious consumption that has come with our sponsored NGO “Canarias Libre de Plásticos” (Canary Islands Free of Plastic).

Of course we also remain committed to the AEN (North Gomera Business Association), the ECST (European Charter for Sustainable Tourism) TUREBE and the Tourist Observatory.